More than 20 years after his death, Philip K. Dick is more popular than
ever.In this section, you will find recent news from the Trust, publishing
news, film announcements, feature articles, interviews and multi-media content
related to the author.
November 16, 2011 Prophets of Science Fiction focuses its latest episode on Philip K. Dick, airing all this week on The Science Channel
From the Prophets of Science Fiction website:
"Premiere: Wednesday, November 16 at 10PM e/p
Literary genius, celebrated visionary, paranoid outcast: Writer Philip K. Dick lived a life of ever-shifting realities straight from the pages of his mind-bending sci-fi stories. His books have inspired films like Blade Runner, Total Recall, and Minority Report. His ideas have influenced the development of real-life breakthroughs in everything from robotics to law enforcement. The brilliant, troubled sci-fi legend's work confronts readers with a deceptively simple question: What is reality?"
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June 30, 2011 Disney announces new incarnation of "King of the Elves," now slated for release in 2013
From Variety:
""King of the Elves" is rearing its head again at Walt Disney Animation Studios, with "Horrible Bosses" scribe Michael Markowitz tapped to pen the latest script for the toon.
Project is an adaptation of a Philip K. Dick short story about a band of elves and one dwarf living in the Mississippi Delta who tap a human as their king after he saves them from an evil troll.
Chris Williams, co-director and writer of "Bolt," is shepherding the project."
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June 20, 2011 The Wall Street Journal interviews Isa Dick Hackett about past and upcoming projects
From WSJ:
"Films like "The Adjustment Bureau" please Isa Dick Hackett, a daughter of the author and co-manager of his estate with two siblings, because they show the breadth of her father's output.
"People only tend to think about my father's work in terms of hardcore sci-fi, and the movies released thus far don't necessarily represent all of what he wrote," she says."
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June 17, 2011 io9 discusses the legacy and future of Philip K. Dick in film and television with Isa Dick Hackett
From io9:
"What's happening with my favorite book, Ubik? What's Michel Gondry's [the director] vision for this film?
"I think it's a great fit, myself. I think Michel Gondry and Ubik is insane, crazy good. Steve Zaillian is producing, and he's such a craftsman with his scripts, so it's great to have him on the team, so we end up with something that's not so non-linear that it can't be understood. Right now the status is he's scripting..."
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January 24, 2011 BOOM! Comics and Electric Shepherd Productions Release Final Issue of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?: Dust to Dust, the highly-acclaimed graphic novel prequel series to Philip K. Dick's masterpiece
Now available in stores or online: BOOM! Comics and Electric Shepherd Productions present the Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?: Dust to Dust graphic novel. Entire series available now.
Read the PopMatters Review >>
Read the Comic Book Resources Review >>
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November 29, 2010 The New York Times profiles Anne R. Dick and discusses her new memoir, The Search For Philip K. Dick
From The New York Times:
The book, while refraining from literary analysis, is invaluable for Dick fans and scholars because it's told by the one person he was close to at an important turning point in his career. He wrote or developed roughly a dozen novels during his time in west Marin, including "The Man in the High Castle" (1962), his only novel to win the Hugo Award, science fiction's biggest prize.
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August 27, 2010 The Selected Letters of Philip K. Dick Volume Six now available for purchase from Underwood Books
From the Underwood Books website:
In this sixth entry in the series, Dick continues his metaphysical and religious quest initiated by the Valis visions of 1974. In these letters to friends, fans, agents, and other SF writers, Dick speculates on the visionary and archetypal material that intruded into his novels in the latter part of his life, which marked a turning point in his literary career. These intensely personal letters express Dick's deepest thoughts on science fiction, human nature, philosophy, and more.
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April 28, 2010 The New York Times spotlights next year's release of The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick!
From the New York Times:
"Though few have read the work and fewer still have fully understood it, the publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt plans to release The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick in two consolidated volumes edited by Jonathan Lethem and Pamela Jackson, a Philip K. Dick scholar, with the first to be released next year."
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April 27, 2010 Upcoming PKD graphic novel series previewed in Newsarama!
Writer Chris Roberson recently gave Newsarama an interview about his work on the latest PKD grapic novel series, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?: Dust to Dust.
From Newsarama:
"Androids. Animals. Empathy. What happened before we dreamed of Electric Sheep? The answer is Dust to Dust, the upcoming series by Chris Roberson and Robert Adler over at BOOM! Studios. Set as a prequel to Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, this eight-issue miniseries kicks off the ongoing battle against androids hidden deep within a war-ravaged future society. Before the series debuts May 26, Newsarama caught up with Roberson to talk about his love of Philip K. Dick, World War Terminus, and the first two hunters before Rick Deckard."
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April 22, 2010 Wylie Agency brings Philip K. Dick to the London Book Fair
From the Publishers Weekly website:
"The Wylie Agency is trotting out its usual list of bold-face literary names (living and dead), with Philip K. Dick, Roberto Bolaño, and Martin Amis topping the list...
Wylie [is bringing] Philip K. Dick's The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick, culled from hundreds of handwritten notes and journal entries by the late sci-fi icon; the agency calls it a work that "charts Dick's attempts to reconcile the diverse strands of scientific, philosophical, and theological thought" that inspired his writing, and it is edited and introduced by Jonathan Lethem and Pamela Jackson."
Visit the Publishers Weekly website >>
April 22, 2010 Dates and details of Philip K. Dick Festival announced!
From www.PhilipKDickFestival.com:
"You are invited to come to the Rocky Mountains of Colorado in the Summer of 2010 to celebrate the Life and Imagination of this great American writer in the setting of his Hugo Award-winning novel
Join with fellow fans and discuss all things PKD while enjoying the natural beauty of the Rocky Mountains in the summertime.
This is the first, the biggest and the best Philip K. Dick Festival to be held in the United States."
Visit the Philip K. Dick Festival website >>
April 12, 2010 Subterranean Press announces new release of The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick
From the Subterranean Press website:
"We've just reached agreement with The Philip K. Dick Trust to publish new editions of Philip K. Dick's collected stories, which will include one previously unpublished story, one tale that wasn't included in the first edition of the collected set, as well as a number of expanded story notes.
"We also plan to commission new introductions for the volumes, and offer a small leatherbound limited edition (each volume signed by the author of the introduction). In addition, Bill Sienkiewicz will be providing original cover art for each book. Look for ordering information on volume one, The King of the Elves, soon."
Visit the Subterranean Press website >>
February 1, 2010 Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Chosen as Freshman Reading Project at Cornell University
From the Cornell Daily Sun website:
"Out of 50 shortlisted titles that members of the Cornell community suggested, Philip K. Dick's science fiction novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep emerged as the selection for the New Student Reading Project of 2010.
"While the choice departs from the tradition of literary classics, the selection committee, which consists of students, faculty and staff members across colleges, evaluated this year's selection along similar paradigms as the ones they used to single out The Grapes of Wrath last year..."
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January 24, 2010 Los Angeles Times Article on Philip K. Dick's Southern California Years
Writer Scott Timberg has published an informative, intriguing piece on PKD in the place where he spent the final years of his life.
From the article:
"These days, Dick is widely considered the science-fiction novelist who most accurately foresaw our contemporary world. Several new film versions of his books are in the works, including "Radio Free Albemuth," due out this year and set in Southern California, "Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said" and "Ubik." His early novels are being reissued, most recently the Los Angeles and Ojai-set "Puttering About in a Small Land," which Tor put out last month.
And yet, Dick's time in Orange County, where he lived out his last decade, has been largely overlooked..."
Read the Full LA Times Article >>
December 10, 2009 The Village Voice includes Boom! Studios' adaptation of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? in its list of 2009's Best Comics and Graphic Novels
From the Village Voice website:
"...Tony Parker's volumetric art fleshes out Dick's wide swings between pulp verbiage and pithy insights (his electronic "Mood Organ" presages our current cornucopia of mood-altering pharmaceuticals). If you're a fan of Blade Runner but have never read the source material, this experimental adaptation should be just the ticket."
Read the Village Voice article >>
Visit the Boom! Studios website >>
Purchase the Collected First Four Issues >>
September 28, 2009 Publishers Weekly posts review of new Philip K. Dick short story collection
Now available, The Variable Man and Other Stories: The Early Work of Philip K. Dick, Volume One has been given an extremely positive review by Publishers Weekly. From their website:
"This volume collects 15 of the earliest short publications by Philip K. Dick (1928-1982), all from 1952-1953. Though the young author is clearly finding his footing in these stories, many of the elements he developed in later works are present in embryonic form. The nature of reality is held up to question in "Adjustment Team," while self-repairing and replicating robots populate "James P. Crow," "The Gun" and "Jon's World." The weak must prevail against seemingly invincible opponents in "Beyond Lies the Wub," "Piper in the Woods" and "Souvenir," and the prospect of total destruction looms in "The Variable Man." Rickman provides an informative introduction and detailed endnotes on each story, which alone would make this volume worth acquiring. This collection is a must-have for PKD fans."
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August 28, 2009 Anne R. Dick's Search for Philip K. Dick, Revised 2009 now available for purchase from Point Reyes Cypress Press
From the announcement:
Anne Dick's book is part memoir, and part a kind of detective novel, as she sifts through the details of her life with Philip K Dick, a prolific genius whose books and novels are being recognized as significant works of literature. Much of Dick's work, currently being celebrated in college courses and prestigious anthologies like The Library of America, consists of a kind of surreal autobiography and Anne's memoir helps us connect his fictional characters to his life.
Read more and order at the Point Reyes Cypress Press website >>
August 3, 2009 The Library of America releases the third volume of Philip K. Dick's collectected works
Now available in stores or to buy online: The Library of America presents A Maze of Death, VALIS, The Divine Invasion, and The Transmigration of Timothy Archer colleced in the the third volume of Philip K. Dick's selected works.
Visit the Library of America website >>
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July 15, 2009 BOOM! Comics and Electric Shepherd Productions Release First Issue of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Graphic Novel!
Now available in stores or to buy online: BOOM! Comics and Electric Shepherd Productions present the Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? graphic novel. First issue available now.
Read the io9 Review >>
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July 14, 2009 Emily Blunt cast in The Adjustment Bureau.
Variety reports that "Emily Blunt has landed the female lead in 'The Adjustment Bureau,' joining Matt Damon in the George Nolfi-directed science-fiction thriller adapted from Philip K. Dick's short story."
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July 14, 2009 Newsweek Magazine names Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? as Must Read Novel.
Newsweek writes: "Before WALL-E, there was this penetrating parable of the grim future of technology and life on Earth without animals (and the basis for Blade Runner)."
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June 15, 2009 Crawdaddy! announces benefit concert for founder Paul Williams in San Francisco.
From the Press Release: Crawdaddy! The Magazine of Rock announces a benefit concert in support of Paul Williams, the magazine's founder, one of the most influential music writers and a champion of rock music of the past 40 years. Mojo Nixon, Jello Biafra, Mark Eitzel, John Easdale and others will perform in Williams' honor on Sunday, June 28, 2009 at the Red Devil Lounge in San Francisco in a music and spoken word show hosted by Ben Fong Torres.
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April 21, 2009 Blackstone Audio to release Radio Free Albemuth.
Blackstone Audio, who has previously published audio books of such classic PKD titles as The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, The Man in the High Castle and Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said will soon add Radio Free Albemuth to their collection. The title is set to be released on November 1, 2009.
Visit the Blackstone Audio Web Site >>
February 25, 2009 Matt Damon set to star in George Nolfi's adaptation of "The Adjustment Team"
Philip K. Dick's renowned short story takes form as a feature film in George Nolfi's directorial debut, titled "The Adjustment Bureau." From the Variety Article:
"… Nolfi wrote a script that is loosely based on a Phillip K. Dick short story, and he will make his directing debut on the film, which will begin production by late summer.
Nolfi scripted the Damon-starrer "Ocean's Twelve," but they developed a closer relationship when he scripted "The Bourne Ultimatum." He is also writing the fourth installment of the Bourne franchise for Universal. … "
Read the Full Variety Article >>
January 13, 2008 Philip K. Dick story mentioned in New York Times Book Review
Author Jonathan Lethem contributed a review of Roberto Balano's novel 2666. Mr. Lethem begins his review by discussing Philip K. Dick's short story "The Preserving Machine" :
"In Philip K. Dick's 1953 short story "The Preserving Machine," an impassioned inventor creates a device for "preserving" the canon of classical music — the sacred and, he fears, impermanent beauties of Schubert, Chopin, Beethoven and so forth — by feeding it into a device that transforms the compositions into living creatures: birds, beetles and animals resembling armadillos and porcupines. Outfitting the classic pieces in this manner, then setting them free, the inventor means to guarantee their persistence beyond the frailties of human commemoration, to give them a set of defenses adequate to their value. Alas, the musical-animals become disagreeable and violent, turn on one another and, when the inventor attempts to reverse-engineer his creations in order to prove that the music has survived, reveal themselves as a barely recognizable cacophony, nothing like the originals. Or has the preserving machine revealed true essences — irregularities, ferocities — disguised within the classical pieces to begin with?
Dick's parable evokes the absurd yearning embedded in our reverence toward art, and the tragicomic paradoxes "masterpieces" embody in the human realm that brings them forth and gives them their only value."
Visit the New York Times Web Site >>
December 15, 2008 Blackstone Audio's release of The Man in the High Castle receives the award for Best Voice.
Narrator Tom Weiner's reading of the PKD classic novel earned notice from AudioFile Magazine. They had this to say about the work, and about Mr. Weiner's excellent interpretation:
"Classic science fiction writer Philip K. Dick became a legendary writer because of visionary ideas that broke genre boundaries and offered fresh new stories of bleak and harrowing futures. This story is the one that put him on the map, as Dick paints a bleak portrait of a post-World War II America that is jointly occupied by Nazi Germany and Japan. The very notion is downright scary, and narrator Tom Weiner delivers a classic performance that captures the Orwellian atmosphere that abounds in this tale while giving a nod to radio announcers from the 1940s. His voice is somewhat robotic and rigid, but it serves the plot all the more as his characters are incredibly rich and perfectly realized. One of the best and most complex readings this year! L.B. © AudioFile 2008, Portland, Maine [Published: NOVEMBER 2008]"
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