Philip K. Dick News Archive
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August 25, 2008 Subterranean Press releases Ubik: The Screenplay in new, hardback edition.
This fascinating and essential Philip K. Dick work has been out of print since the mid-80s, and now features both a new introduction by Tim Powers and a new afterward by Tad Williams.
Additionally, in December Subterranean will release a brand new edition of Nick and the Glimmung, Philip K. Dick's only children's novel. This release will mark Nick and the Glimmung's first ever publication in the United States.
Check back soon for further updates!
Visit the Subterranean Press Web Site >>
April 8, 2008 Philip K. Dick's short story "King of the Elves" to become major animated feature from Walt Disney Animation Studios
Philip K. Dick's daughters Isa Hackett and Laura Leslie are serving as consultants through Electric Shepherd Productions on this exciting new Digital 3D project.
From the official press release:
"The Walt Disney Studios unveiled a diverse and ambitious slate of 10 new animated feature films from Walt Disney and Pixar Animation Studios to be released through the year 2012 at a New York press conference held today by Dick Cook, chairman of The Walt Disney Studios, and John Lasseter, chief creative officer for Walt Disney and Pixar Animation Studios…
…Scheduled for Christmas 2012 from Walt Disney Animation Studios is "King of the Elves," an adaptation of a Philip K. Dick short story, directed by Aaron Blaise and Robert Walker ("Brother Bear").
KING OF THE ELVES (Domestic Release Date: Christmas 2012, Disney
Digital 3-D(TM))
Walt Disney Animation Studios
Directors: Aaron Blaise, Robert Walker
Producer: Chuck Williams
Legendary storyteller Phillip K. Dick's short story (his only experiment in the fantasy genre) becomes the basis for this fantastic and imaginative tale about an average man living in the Mississippi Delta, whose reluctant actions to help a desperate band of elves leads them to name him their new king. Joining the innocent and endangered elves as they attempt to escape from an evil and menacing troll, their unlikely new leader finds himself caught on a journey filled with unimaginable dangers and a chance to bring real meaning back to his own life.
...Commenting on the announcement, Cook said, "We couldn't be more proud and excited about our upcoming line-up of feature projects. With so many great films literally on the drawing boards and computer screens, we felt that now was the perfect time to give moviegoers all over the world an update on the state of our art. In a year when our Studio is marking the 80th anniversary of Mickey Mouse, the character that started it all for us, it seems especially timely to share our plans for the future of animation. With John Lasseter and Ed Catmull guiding our creative efforts both at Emeryville and in Burbank, this is as exciting a time as any in our history."
Check back soon for more information and updates!
(Click here for title image)
Click here for the entire press release at >>
March 11, 2008 Prime Books, a division of Wildside Press, will release PKD Early Stories Summer 2008
Look for a new collection coming from Prime Books! Check back soon for details.
Visit the Prime Books Web Site >>
March 11, 2008 Blackstone audio to release more PKD material in 2008
We are excited to announce a program that we began with Blackstone Audio in 2007 to release a number of PKD works in audio format.
The following titles are already available from Blackstone and through other commercial sites:
Martian Time-Slip
The Galactic Pot Healer
Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said
Martian Time-Slip and The Golden Man
Blackstone intends to continue this program, and will release the following titles in 2008:
Dr. Bloodmoney 5/1/2008
The Man in the High Castle 6/1/2008
Ubik 7/28/2008
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch 9/2008
Valis 10/2008
And two short story collections with shorts that we have personally selected. Nov & Dec 2008
Visit the Philip K. Dick page at the Blackstone Audio web site >>
March 10, 2008 Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? joins The Man in the High Castle in Easton Press' Masterpieces of Science Fiction line
February's addition to this exclusive line of leather-bound sci-fi classics was one Philip K. Dick's best known novels. From the Easton Press website:
"Masterpieces of Science Fiction spans the entire history of the genre and encompasses an extraordinary range of work... from Jules Verne and H.G. Wells to Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, and more. "
Visit the Masterpieces of Science Fiction collection at the Easton Press web site >>
February 7, 2008
NY Times Blog "Paper Cuts" Discusses Nick and the Glimmung
Philip K. Dick's only novel for young adult audiences was the subject of a blog posting at the New York Times website today. A newly illustrated edition of the novel is set to receive its first-ever U.S. release by Subterranean Press in the near future.
Read the Article Here >>
February 4, 2008
New Hardcover Edition of PKD Novel In Milton Lumky Territory Due From Tor in May 2008
Tor Books, a publisher mostly known for science fiction and fantasy, is planning a release of the Philip K. Dick realist novel In Milton Lumky Territory for May 2008. The non-science fiction book was originally written in 1958, but was not officially published until 1985.
Tor recently released the previously unpublished Voices From the Street to a great deal of interest and acclaim. Future Philip K. Dick-related plans for the publishing company include a paperback edition of Humpty Dumpty in Oakland (currently scheduled for an October 2008 release) and a new edition of The Man Whose Teeth Were All Alike in 2009!
Pre-order from the Tor web site >>
January 31, 2008
eBook Store by Sony Launches eStories, Featuring Entire Collection of Short Stories by Philip K. Dick
eStories, Sony's newest online addition to The eBook Store, has made all of Philip K. Dick's 120 short stories available for purchase.
Visit the eStories web site >>
December 20, 2007 Blade Runner 'Final Cut' DVD Reviews and Coverage
The recent DVD re-release of Blade Runner, (based on Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep) has garnered press attention. Here are some highlights:
Ridley Scott Interview on NPR
Wired Blog on BR 'Final Cut'
December 9, 2007 Philip K. Dick Receives Jules Verne Award for Blade Runner
For its 25th Anniversary, Blade Runner was honored at a Special Jules Verne Award presentation recognizing the artistic vision of the film's legendary filmmakers and the major restoration efforts behind the new "Final Cut." In addition, Philip K. Dick was posthumously awarded a Jules Verne statuette for creating the origin material behind the film, the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? His daughter Isa Dick-Hackett represented him at the ceremony.
Visit the Jules Verne Adventure Film Festival web site >>
December 7, 2007 Subterranean Press to Publish long out-of-print Dick works, Nick and The Glimmung and Ubik Screenplay
From specialty publisher Subterranean Press:
"We've reached agreement to publish two of Philip K. Dick's works. The first, Nick and the Glimmung, is a YA sf novel making its first US appearance, and first publication anywhere in nearly 20 years. The second is Dick's own screenplay adaptation of his novel Ubik, which appeared from a small press in the mid-eighties, and has been out of print since. We're still in the process of selecting an artist for the YA novel, but Ubik: the Screenplay, will sport a cover by Dave McKean."
No release date has been announced.
Visit the Subterranean Press blog >>
October 17, 2007 Le Figaro Interviews PKD Daughter Isa Dick-Hackett
You'll have to be fluent in French to read this interview about Isa's experience growing up with Phil Dick and his legacy in film and books.
Read Isa's Le Figaro Interview >>
October 2, 2007 Library of America to Publish Second PKD Volume in July 2008
Entitled "Philip K. Dick: Five Novels of the 1960's and 70's," the collection will include Martian Time Slip, Dr. Bloodmoney, Now Wait for Last Year, Flow My Tears the Policeman Said and A Scanner Darkly.
Visit the Library of America Web Site >>
September 15, 2007 Los Angeles Times Spotlight on Dick Daughters, Electric Shepard Productions
Check out this profile by writer Geoff Boucher about PKD daughters Isa Dick Hackett & Laura Leslie efforts to preserve the Philip K. Dick legacy in films.
Read the LA Times article >>
August 20, 2007 New Yorker Magazine Hails "The Return of Philip K. Dick"
Writer Adam Gopnik digs into the PKD legacy in this insightful and detailed article.
Read the New Yorker article >>
May 21, 2007 Newsweek Welcomes Philip K. Dick to the Canon of American Literature.
"Philip K. Dick would be amazed to find himself in the Library of America. That's only one reason he belongs."
Read the Newsweek article >>
May 6, 2007 New York Times Calls PKD, "A Prince of Pulp, Legit at Last"
Library of America review recognizes PKD's unique genius. "Four Novels of the 1960s" collection due on May 31, 2007.
Read the NY Times article >>
(free subscription required)
March, 2007 New Articles on Philip K. Dick Available Online
Rocky Mountain News: In PKD's universe, author is smiling at success
OC Weekly: 'Voices From The Street' Review
The Times (UK): Science Master: At long last Philip K. Dick is winning the recognition deserved by his extraordinary imagination
January 23, 2007 Voices From The Street Now Available; Reviews from EW, Ain't It Cool Build Buzz
Voices From The Street, the previously unpublished Philip K. Dick novel is now available from Tor Books. The mainstream novel was written in 1952-53 and is one of PKD's earliest works. The book has received positive early reviews from Entertainment Weekly (Jan. 26) and Ain't It Cool News .
Read the review from EW >>
Aint It Cool News Review >>
January 23, 2007
Book News: Voices From The Street Now Available; Positive Reviews from EW, Ain't It Cool News More >>
January 10, 2007 The Library of America Set to Publish Philip K. Dick Collection
Due on May 31, 2007, the hardcover collection will be edited by Jonathan Lethem and will include The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, Ubik, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep and The Man In The High Castle. Check this web site for more information coming soon. (click for large cover image)
Read the article on USA Today >>
Visit the Library of America Web Site >>
November 6, 2006 Unpublished PKD Novel 'Voices From The Street' Due from Tor in January 2007; Glowing Review from Publisher's Weekly
Tor Books, a publisher known for science fiction and fantasy announced the pending release of the unpublished Philip K. Dick novel 'Voices From the Street' in January 2007. The mainstream novel was written in 1952-53 and is one of PKD's earliest works. The following review ran in Publisher's Weekly:
"This previously unpublished novel is remarkable for a number of reasons, probably the least of which is novelistic merit. Stuart Hadley is a young man born to privilege; he is handsome and educated; his pregnant wife is devoted to him; he has worked his way up from salesman to manager of a television and radio shop, but he wants more. The more he wants is not clear, even to him, and his existential crisis involves him with a shady, quasi-religious sect, the Society of the Watchmen of Jesus, led by a charismatic evangelist. Stuart's flirtation with the movement soon leads him away from his placid middle-class life into a sinister association with a mysterious femme fatale, Marsha Frazier. His decline is accelerated by psychotic depression that spirals into life-threatening self-destruction.Like much of Dick's fiction, the plot skims ambiguously along an abstract surface, only occasionally revealing concrete motivation or linear connection. But that's what endears Dick's novels to millions of readers nearly 25 years after his death, and that's what makes him a significant postwar American novelist. Shallow characterization and crude dialogue show a young novelist groping for style. Still, echoes of Dick's contemporaries such as Ralph Ellison, Richard Yates, Rod Serling, Raymond Chandler and early Kurt Vonnegut Jr. resonate, and a bonus exists in Dick's impeccable eye for detail. Apart from creating an ambience that complements the novel, he provides a veritable literary museum of the early 1950s, replete with the period's social and political attitudes and dozens of references to everyday items, commonplace practices that underscore and illuminate this significant transitional period in American culture. Literary critics will have a field day; Dick fans will be in rapture.(Jan.)"
August 7, 2006 National Public Radio Analyzes Philip K. Dick Films
NPR's Talk of The Nation prominently featured the works and films of Philip K. Dick in a 1/2 hour segment during the July 25, 2006 show. Guests included Marshal Fine (film critic), Jonathan Lethem (author), Lawrence Sutin (biographer) and Laura Leslie (daughter). The entire broadcast is available on the NPR web site. Listen on >>
June 1, 2006 Vintage PKD: New Collection Arrives on June 6
Next week, Vintage Publishing will make available a new Philip K. Dick anthology entitled "Vintage PKD."
From the publisher: "Vintage PKD features extracts from The Man in the High Castle, The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, Ubik, A Scanner Darkly, VALIS, and stories including "The Days of Perky Pat," "A Little Something for Us Tempunauts," and "I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon," along with essays and letters currently unavailable in book form. Vintage Readers are a perfect introduction to some of the great modern writers."
More from Vintage >>
May 26, 2006 Deluxe Blade Runner DVD Coming in September, "Final Cut" Due in 2007
Variety reported on the long-awaited DVD release of Blade Runner, the 1982 film based on the Philip K. Dick novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep:"
"Warner Home Video will issue a new remastered director's cut of the classic SF movie Blade Runner in September now that it has cleared up rights issues, followed by a theatrical release of a version promised to be truly director Ridley Scott's final cut, Variety reported. Warner's rights to Blade Runner lapsed a year ago, but the studio has since negotiated a long-term license.
The restored "director's cut" will debut on home video in September and will remain on sale for only four months, after which time it will be placed on moratorium. Blade Runner: Final Cut will arrive in 2007 for a limited 25th-anniversary theatrical run, followed by a special-edition DVD with the three previous versions offered as alternate viewing. Besides the original theatrical version and director's cut, the expanded international theatrical cut will be included. The set will also contain additional bonus materials."
Read more on >>
November 6, 2006
Book News: Unpublished PKD Novel 'Voices From The Street' Due in January; Publishers Weekly claims "Dick fans will be in rapture" More >>
August 8, 2006
Press Release: Paul Giamatti set to play Philip K. Dick in authorized biopic.
Variety reported today on a new Philip K. Dick biopic project starring and produced by Paul Giamatti. Also producing is PKD's daughter Isa Dick-Hackett. Read the Press Release >>
May 26, 2006
Film News: Scanner Darkly Producer Tommy Pallotta Launches Blog More >>
May 26, 2006
Film News: Deluxe Blade Runner DVD Coming in September, "Final Cut" Due in 2007 More >>
April 20, 2006
Film News: A Scanner Darkly Selected for Cannes Film Festival More >>
February 27, 2006
Articles: Download the classic 1975 Rolling Stone article about PKD More >>
February 23, 2006 Jessica Biel cast in Revolution Studio's "Next"
The actress joins Nicolas Cage and Julianne Moore in "Next," an adaptation of Philip K. Dick's short story "The Golden Man" set to begin production in March. Read the story from Hollywood Reporter >>
February 17, 2006
Film News:'A Scanner Darkly' Trailer Gets Rave Reviews More >>
February 17, 2006
Media News: 'A Scanner Darkly' Graces Wired Magazine's Cover (March 2006) More >>
February 6, 2006
Media News: Filmmaker, Res and Soma magazines focus on A Scanner Darkly film More >>
January 16, 2006
Media News: BBC Radio Features Philip K. Dick on original program "Confessions of a Crap Artist" tonight. Listen to live stream, 8:30pm London Time More >>
January 9, 2006
Film News: 'A Scanner Darkly' Movie Trailer To World Premiere On Amp'd Mobile Handsets More >>
December 29, 2005
2005 Science Fiction Hall of Fame PKD Induction Ceremony Videos Online
On May 6, 2005 Philip K. Dick was inducted into the Science Fiction Hall of Fame in Seattle, WA. The ceremony which also inducted Steven Spielberg, Chesley Bonestell and Ray Harryhausen was attended by PKD luminaries David Hartwell (Editor, Tor Books) and Phil's own daughters, Isa Dick-Hackett and Laura Leslie who spoke during the event. The Science Fiction Hall of Fame recently posted these videos from the event. Scroll to the bottom of the page for the links to clips of Hartwell and Laura's speeches. Click here to visit the SF Hall of Fame web site.
December 12, 2005
'Vintage PKD' On The Horizon
Vintage Books will be releasing a new paperback collection of mostly previously released PKD fiction in May, 2006 appropriately titled "Vintage PKD." The volume will contain selected chapters from novels including "The Man In The High Castle," "The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch," "Ubik," "A Scanner Darkly" and "Valis" as well a few of the short stories that eventually became those novels. Also included will be a treatment for "The Owl In Daylight," and the first letter from "The Zebra Papers."
For more information about 'Vintage PKD' as it becomes available, visit this page on the Vintage web site.
November 22, 2005
Media News: The Boston Globe on PKD's "anti-anti-utopianism" More >>
October 18, 2005
Media News: Philip K. Dick's Ubik among 100 Best Novels, according to Time Magazine. More >>

Flow My Tears Play Extended in L.A.
April 18, 2005
The stage play of Philip K. Dick's "Flow My Tears The Policeman" has added five shows at the Evidence Room in Los Angeles (April 22, 23, 29 & May 6, 7) . The play, which has been running since March 12 has received very positive reviews in Hollywood Reporter and Reuters.
Visit the Evidence Room web site for more information or to purchase tickets.

Philip K. Dick Inducted into Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame
March 26, 2005
The Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame (SFM) has named legends Steven Spielberg, Philip K. Dick, Chesley Bonestell and Ray Harryhausen as inductees into the Science Fiction Hall of Fame. The class of 2005 will be honored during the first-ever induction ceremony at the Hall of Fame's new home at the Science Fiction Museum in Seattle, WA on Friday, May 6, 2005. More >>
Scanner Darkly Release Date
March 25, 2005
A Scanner Darkly film will be released in March 2006.

Flow My Tears Play Staged in L.A.
March 14, 2005
In March 2005, Evidence Room in Los Angeles celebrates its tenth anniversary season with a revival of one of its most popular productions, a re-imagined staging of sci-fi master Philip K. Dick's visionary Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said. This version, which was adapted by Dick's close friend Linda Hartinian, was originally created for the world-renowned New York performance group Mabou Mines. Hartinian became a close friend of Dick's late in his life and wrote the adaptation shortly after his death as a sort of memorial. Evidence Room first revived the play in 1999 in an award-winning production at the Ivy Substation in Culver City. The LA Times praised the show, calling it "Vintage Dick…an energetic staging as campy as it is cryptic...hilarious." Visit the Evidence Room web site for more information or to purchase tickets. The play runs through April 17, 2005.
March 1, 2005
Philip K. Dick Book News: Vintage Publishing is releasing new editions of two classic Philip K. Dick science fiction novels: Crack In Space (March 2005) and Dr. Futurity (August 2005). Almost all of PKD's science fiction will be in print.

Scanner Darkly Trailer Online
February 27, 2005 The movie trailer for the upcoming adaptation of Philip K. Dick's A Scanner Darkly is now online at Yahoo! Movies. The film will be in theaters in September, 2005. Here's a Winona Ryder fan site with links to high-res trailers of A Scanner Darkly.

Philip K. Dick Film News
February 16, 2005 The upcoming film based on Philip K. Dick's novel "A Scanner Darkly" will be featured on Access Hollywood on February 18, 2005. Also the debut of the film's trailer can be seen with the movie "Constantine" (also starring Keanu Reeves) which opens in theaters across America on February 18. Here's an article about the making of A Scanner Darkly from the Austin Chronicle.

Nicolas Cage's "Next" Film Based on Philip K. Dick's "The Golden Man"
November 12, 2004
Revolution Studios has greenlit an adaptation of Philip K. Dick's short story "The Golden Man" entitled "Next" starring Nicolas Cage and directed by Lee Tamahori with production set to begin in summer 2005. The film is about a man who see a short distance into his own future and must use his gift to avoid capture by a government organization, win the love of the woman who will bear his child and prevent a terrorist attack. The screenplay was written by Gary Goldman, who will also Executive Produce along with Jason Koornick, who holds the rights to the short story. Goldman is no stranger to PKD, having written the screenplays for Total Recall and early drafts of Minority Report, on which he was also Executive Producer. Tamahori directed "Once Were Warriors," "Die Another Day," and the upcoming "XXX2" among others. Cage's most recent film is the hit "National Treasure" currently in theaters. Read the full article from Variety.
Scientists Name Blade Runner World's Best Science Fiction Film
August 27, 2004
A newspaper survey of top scientists has chosen "Blade Runner" as the world's best science fiction film.
The 1982 movie based on the Philip K. Dick novel "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" was the favorite when 60 scientists were questioned by The Guardian, including evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins and Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker, the newspaper said Wednesday. Read the full article on
Richard Linklater Discusses A Scanner Darkly Film Adaptation on
July 30, 2004
"A Scanner Darkly is one of my favorites of his, because it seemed the most personal...It's like we're living in his science fiction as we speak, so it seemed really timely to me."
Read the Article Online >>
June 12, 2004
Film News: Here is Laura and Isa's exclusive report from the set of Rick Linklater's A Scanner Darkly with photos. More >>
Philip K. Dick's 1953 Short Story "Second Variety" Nominated for a Retro Hugo Award
April, 2004
The World Science Fiction Society has nominated the PKD story "Second Variety" for a Retrospective Hugo Award in the "Best Novelette of 1953" category. The story, which was the basis for the 1995 film "Screamers" was originally published in Space Science Fiction in 1953. (Click on the cover for an enlarged view). Hugos are awarded each year by the World Science Fiction Society, at the World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon). The Retro Hugos will be awarded during a Time Travel Machine/Retro Hugos event, on Friday, September 3, 2004 in Boston, Massachusetts.
Visit the Hugo Awards web site >>
Visit the Worldcon web site >> |
December 14, 2003
Time Magazine Pays Tribute to PKD's Gnostic Beliefs Matrix, Da Vinci Code and Philip K. Dick are examples of alternative Christian belief systems
More >>
December 8, 2003
Christianity Today recommends PKD novels in Annual Roundup Mentions of Deus Irae and The Cosmic Puppets are the last entries in their roundup article.
More >>
December 8, 2003
MSN Article on Prozac draws references from PKD novels The article opens with synopsis of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? and continues to discuss the causes and potentially new treatments
for depression. More >>