By Philip K. Dick
Originally published in 1969
Trade paperback published by Vintage Books
Currently available
Plot Summary:
Glen Runciter is dead. Or is everybody else? Someone died in an explosion
orchestrated by Runciter's business competitors. And, indeed, it's the kingly
Runciter whose funeral is scheduled in Des Moines. But in the meantime,
his mourning employees are receiving bewildering -- and sometimes scatological --
messages from their boss. And the world around them is warping in ways
that suggest that their own time is running out. Or already has.
Philip K. Dick's searing metaphysical comedy of death and salvation
(the latter available in a convenient aerosol spray) is tour de force of paranoiac menace
and unfettered slapstick, in which the departed give business advice, shop for their
next incarnation, and run the continual risk of dying yet again.
"Dick was the first SF writer to
really get into playing with the heads of his readers, and getting
them to think about the nature of reality and their perceptions.
For this reason, his books never really grow stale -- you can
come back to them years after the first reading and find new
signposts directing you into previously obscure pathways of
your own personality." Read
A.L. Sirois, SFSite.com, 2000
"It was written in the late 1960's but feels surprisingly modern with its paranoid futuristic visions. This quality has been emphasised in film adaptations of other Philip K. Dick novels. It makes you consider that perhaps the 'K' is for Kafka." Read
Sue Davies, SFCrowsnest.com, 2002
"Ubik is a journey that fascinates, bewilders and ultimately leads to eternal salvation. Many comedic elements together with serious themes and mind-bending science fiction make this a must-read for fans (or fans to be) of Philip K. Dick." Read
Jason Koornick, philipkdickfans.com, 1999
Ubik Cover Art Gallery