A Scanner Darkly
By Philip K. Dick
Originally published in 1977
Trade paperback published by Vintage Books
Currently available
Plot Summary:
Bob Arctor is a dealer of the lethally addictive drug
Substance D. Fred is the police agent assigned to tail
and eventually bust him. To do so, Fred takes on the
identity of a drug dealer named Bob Arctor. And since
Substance D--which Arctor takes in massive
doses--gradually splits the user's brain into two
distinct, combative entities, Fred doesn't realize he
is narcing on himself.
Caustically funny, eerily accurate in its depiction of
junkies, scam artists, and the walking brain-dead,
Philip K. Dick's industrial-grade stress test of
identity is as unnerving as it is enthralling.
A Scanner Darkly - Paperback Cover
"One of the deepest, most moving books ever written by Dick. His ability to immerse the reader into the psychological heart of paranoid narcotics abuse has never been so apparent." Read more ...
Deckard, IO Film (British Genre Film Web Site), 2003
"The story is entertaining, funny at several places, and the ending of this book is satisfying. While there is not much science fiction in this book, certainly the central concept of having an undercover cop investigate himself and bug his own house is a good sf concept and makes for a good book." Read more...
Eric Weeks, IF Magazine, April 1998
A Scanner Darkly Cover Art Gallery